Results for 'Gerard L'Estrange Turner'

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  1.  31
    Gerard L'Estrange Turner. Scientific Instruments and Experimental Philosophy, 1550–1850. Aldershot, Variorum Press Collected Studies Series. CS 331, 1990. Pp. xii + 329. ISBN 86078-280-8. £49.50. [REVIEW]D. J. Bryden - 1992 - British Journal for the History of Science 25 (3):383-383.
  2.  41
    Making Instruments Count: Essays on Historical Scientific Instruments Presented to Gerard L'Estrange Turner by R. G. W. Anderson; J. A. Bennett; W. F. Ryan. [REVIEW]Mari Williams - 1994 - Isis 85:679-680.
  3.  46
    The three astrolabes of Gerard Mercator.Gerard L'E. Turner - 1994 - Annals of Science 51 (4):329-353.
    In a paper published in volume 50 of Annals of Science an astrolabe at the Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza, Florence, was attributed to the hand of Gerard Mercator, c. 1570, when his workshop was in Duisburg. This was the first scientific instrument by Mercator to be identified. Since then two further astrolabes by Mercator have been identified, one of them bearing his monogram: GMR. They belong to the Städtische Kunstsammlungen, Augsburg, and the Moravian Gallery, Brno. All (...)
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  4.  51
    An astrolabe attributed to Gerard Mercator, c. 1570.Gerard L'E. Turner & Elly Dekker - 1993 - Annals of Science 50 (5):403-443.
    SummaryThe Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza, Florence, Italy, possesses an astrolabe with five latitude plates that is now attributed to the Duisburg workshop of Gerard Mercator. Although it is known that Mercator made instruments, this is the first surviving example to be identified. Another latitude plate is shown to come from the workshop of the Florentine, Giovan Battista Giusti. A seventh plate, possibly engraved by Rumold Mercator, provides the only known Mercatorian polar stereographic projection. The role of (...)
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  5.  26
    A Novel Italian-Hour Nocturnal by Michiel Coignet1.Gerard L'E. Turner - 2006 - Annals of Science 63 (2):215-219.
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    The Government and the English Optical Glass Industry, 1650-1850.Gerard L'E. Turner - 2000 - Annals of Science 57 (4):399-414.
    The concept of a technical frontier in branches of experimental measurement, such as the resolution of the microscope, angular measure and time telling, has been around for more than 60 years. The purpose of this brief paper is to identify the technical frontier operating on the achromatic astronomical telescope, where a limiting factor of the resolution of fine detail was the quality of the optical glass available. The achromatically corrected objective is formed from two kinds of glass, the common crown (...)
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  7.  19
    The Italian-Hour Nocturnal.Gerard L'E. Turner - 2003 - Annals of Science 60 (3):249-268.
    The general view is that there is one type of nocturnal, which is universal, first illustrated in a printed book in 1524. Recently, a number of quite differently constructed nocturnals has come to light. Six of these were made at the very beginning of the sixteenth century by Falcono of Bergamo in northern Italy. One of them, with the initials of the inventor, may well be the prototype. Five more are closely similar. Five further nocturnals of the same type have (...)
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  8.  26
    Gerard l'e. Turner, renaissance astrolabes and their makers. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2003. Pp. XII+294. Isbn 0-86078-903-9. £67.50, $124.95 . Koenraad Van cleempoel, astrolabes at greenwich: A catalogue of the astrolabes in the national maritime museum, greenwich. Oxford and greenwich: Oxford university press and the national maritime museum, 2005. Pp. IX+339. Isbn 0-19-853069-2. £99.50. [REVIEW]Hester Higton - 2007 - British Journal for the History of Science 40 (1):129-130.
  9.  33
    Gerard L'E Turner: Nineteenth-Century Scientific Instruments. London: Sotheby Publications, 1983, and Berkeley, Calif: Univ. of California Press, 1983. 320 pp. ISBN 0-85667-170-3 , £37.50. ISBN 0-520-05160-2. [REVIEW]Anita Mcconnell - 1985 - British Journal for the History of Science 18 (1):121-121.
  10.  16
    GERARD L'E. TURNER, Elizabethan Instrument Makers: The Origins of the London Trade in Precision Instrument Making. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000. Pp. xiv+305. ISBN 0-19-856566-6. £79.50. [REVIEW]Hester Higton - 2001 - British Journal for the History of Science 34 (3):341-373.
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    Instruments Gerard L'E. Turner, Antique scientific instruments. Poole: Blandford Press, 1980. Pp. 168. £3.95/£2.95.Robert Fox - 1982 - British Journal for the History of Science 15 (3):310-310.
  12.  30
    Scientific Instruments, 1500-1900: An Introduction. Gerard L'E. Turner.Peggy Kidwell - 1999 - Isis 90 (3):582-583.
  13.  29
    The Great Age of the Microscope: The Collection of the Royal Microscopical Society through 150 Years. Gerard L'E. Turner.William Andrews - 1991 - Isis 82 (2):419-420.
  14.  24
    The Practice of Science in the Nineteenth Century: Teaching and Research Apparatus in the Teyler Museum. Gerard L'E. Turner.Frank Greenaway - 1998 - Isis 89 (4):743-744.
  15.  9
    Nineteenth-Century Scientific Instruments by Gerard L'E. Turner[REVIEW]John Mcknight - 1985 - Isis 76:236-237.
  16.  36
    Dee, Mercator, and Louvain Instrument Making: An Undescribed Astrological Disc by Gerard Mercator.Steven Vanden Broecke - 2001 - Annals of Science 58 (3):219-240.
    The present paper complements the publications of Gerard L'E. Turner on Mercator's astrolabes by presenting an account of an astrological disc which Mercator published at Louvain in May 1551. This instrument, of which only one copy is known, is described, and a transcription of its instruction sheet, with commentary and English translation, is provided. My preliminary study of the astrological content and context of the instrument indicates that it is connected with John Dee's astrological studies at Louvain from (...)
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  17.  26
    Newman's relations with the jesuits.Peter L'estrange - 1988 - Heythrop Journal 29 (1):58–85.
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  18.  14
    Teaching and Learning Philosophy in the Music Education Doctoral Program.Gerard L. Knieter - 1991 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 25 (3):259.
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  19.  17
    Science as a social institution.Gerard L. DeGré - 1955 - Garden City, N.Y.,: Doubleday.
  20. Society and Ideology.Gerard L. Degre - 1944 - Science and Society 8 (3):271-273.
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    Das Mikroscop by P. Harting.Turner L'E. - 1973 - History of Science 11:62-67.
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    The Apparatus of Science.Turner L'E. - 1971 - History of Science 9:129.
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  23.  23
    Making Sense of Knowing‐How and Knowing‐That.L. U. M. Gerard - 2017 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 51 (3):655-672.
  24.  16
    Elliott's" New" Conservatory Approach: A Review Essay.Gerard L. Knieter - forthcoming - Philosophy of Music Education Review.
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    Science As a Social Institution: An Introduction to the Sociology of Science.Gerard L. Degre - 2012 - Doubleday.
  26.  30
    Humanism and the Aesthetic Experience in Music: Education of the Sensibilities. [REVIEW]Gerard L. Knieter - 1982 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 16 (3):121.
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    Society and Ideology: An Inquiry into the Sociology of Knowledge.Henry M. Magid & Gerard L. DeGre - 1943 - Journal of Philosophy 40 (26):723.
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    A nontheory of suicide.L. D. Hankoff & William J. Turner - 1980 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (2):279-280.
  29. Mapmakers of the Sixteenth Century and their Maps.R. W. Karrow Jr & G. L'E. Turner - 1995 - Annals of Science 52 (1):101.
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  30.  39
    The Routledge International Handbook of Contemporary Social and Political Theory.Gerard Delanty & Stephen P. Turner (eds.) - 2011 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    The triangular relationship between the social, the political and the cultural has opened up social and political theory to new challenges. The social can no longer be reduced to the category of society, and the political extends beyond the traditional concerns of the nature of the state and political authority. -/- This Handbook will address a range of issues that have recently emerged from the disciplines of social and political theory, focusing on key themes as opposed to schools of thought (...)
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  31. Handbook of Contemporary Social and Political Theory.Gerard Delanty & Stephen Turner (eds.) - 2021 - Routledge.
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  32.  15
    Introduction: Social, Political, and Cultural Theory since the Sixties: The Demise of Classical Marxism and Liberalism, the New Reality of the Welfare State, and the Loss of Epistemic Innocence.Stephen Turner & Gerard Delanty - 2011 - In Gerard Delanty & Stephen P. Turner (eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Contemporary Social and Political Theory. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    The publication of John Rawls’ A Theory of Justice in 1971 coincided with a complex set of changes in the political situation of the west, the role of intellectuals, the state of the social sciences and humanities, and in the development of the welfare state itself. These changes provided the conditions for the creation of a body of thought quite different from the one the sixties had produced, and a significant change from the discipline-dominated thinking of the period after the (...)
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  33.  53
    A Comparative Dictionary of the Indo-Aryan Languages by R. L. Turner. Indexes.Ernest Bender, Dorthy Rivers Turner & R. L. Turner - 1969 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 89 (3):665.
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  34.  53
    Jon Mills, Inventing God: Psychology of Belief and the Rise of Secular Spirituality.Donald L. Turner - 2018 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 32 (1):127-130.
  35.  31
    (1 other version)Le Futur Grec. Par Victor Magnien. Cm. 25×16. 2 vols. Pp. xii + 448 andix + 337. Paris: Honoré Champion, 1912. Fr. 20.R. L. Turner - 1913 - The Classical Review 27 (08):280-281.
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  36.  6
    Partially-ordered Modalities.Gerard Allwein & William L. Harrison - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 1-21.
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  37.  13
    (1 other version)Indiscipline as Method.Irina Turner, Siri Lamoureaux & James L. Z. Merron - 2021 - Filosofia Theoretica 10 (3):79-101.
    There is no unproblematic way to study things as “African”, yet an epistemologically situated approach based on concrete technological projects situated in Africa and their social and political implications offers an important account of the intersection of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and African Studies. We explore this perspective through the notion of “indiscipline” using the Square Kilometre Array radio telescope project (SKA) based in South Africa as a case study through which to observe “indiscipline” as a methodological approach to technoscience (...)
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  38. Listening with the other, listening to the other.Donald L. Turner - 2008 - In D. E. Wittkower (ed.), Ipod and Philosophy: Icon of an Epoch. Open Court.
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  39.  58
    Encounter with neurobiology: The response of ritual studies.Edith L. B. Turner - 1986 - Zygon 21 (2):219-232.
  40.  43
    Discussion: Altruism, spiritually merging with a fellow human being's suffering.Edith L. B. Turner - 2006 - Zygon 41 (4):933-940.
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    Simulation logic.Gerard Allwein, William L. Harrison & David Andrews - 2014 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 23 (3).
    Simulation relations have been discovered in many areas: Computer Science, philosophical and modal logic, and set theory. However, the simulation condition is strictly a first-order logic statement. We extend modal logic with modalities and axioms, the latter’s modeling conditions are the simulation conditions. The modalities are normal, i.e., commute with either conjunctions or disjunctions and preserve either Truth or Falsity (respectively). The simulations are considered arrows in a category where the objects are descriptive, general frames. One can augment the simulation (...)
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  42.  22
    A New Editor.G. L'E. Turner - 1999 - Annals of Science 56 (1):1-1.
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    Dueling Land Ethics: Uncovering Agricultural Stakeholder Mental Models to Better Understand Recent Land Use Conversion.Benjamin L. Turner, Melissa Wuellner, Timothy Nichols & Roger Gates - 2014 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 27 (5):831-856.
    The aim of this paper is to investigate how alternative land ethics of agricultural stakeholders may help explain recent land use changes. The paper first explores the historical development of the land ethic concept in the United States and how those ethics have impacted land use policy and use of private lands. Secondly, primary data gathered from semi-structured interviews of farmers, ranchers, and influential stakeholders are then analyzed using stakeholder analysis methods to identify major factors considered in land use decisions, (...)
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    Partially-ordered Modalities.Gerard Allwein & William L. Harrison - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 1-21.
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  45.  36
    Does bioethics exist?L. Turner - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (12):778-780.
    Bioethicists disagree over methods, theories, decision-making guides, case analyses and public policies. Thirty years ago, the thinking of many scholars coalesced around a principlist approach to bioethics. That mid-level mode of moral reasoning is now one of many approaches to moral deliberation. Significant variation in contemporary approaches to the study of ethical issues related to medicine, biotechnology and health care raises the question of whether bioethics exists as widely shared method, theory, normative framework or mode of moral reasoning.
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    The auction sales of the earl of Bute's instruments, 1793.G. L'E. Turner - 1967 - Annals of Science 23 (3):213-242.
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  47.  19
    (1 other version)La psychologie objective.L. Gérard-Varet - 1900 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 49:492 - 514.
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  48.  96
    An anthropological exploration of contemporary bioethics: the varieties of common sense.L. Turner - 1998 - Journal of Medical Ethics 24 (2):127-133.
    Patients and physicians can inhabit distinctive social worlds where they are guided by diverse understandings of moral practice. Despite the contemporary presence of multiple moral traditions, religious communities and ethnic backgrounds, two of the major methodological approaches in bioethics, casuistry and principlism, rely upon the notion of a common morality. However, the heterogeneity of ethnic, moral, and religious traditions raises questions concerning the singularity of common sense. Indeed, it might be more appropriate to consider plural traditions of moral reasoning. This (...)
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  49.  35
    How Did You Like This Course? The Advantages and Limitations of Reaction Criteria in Ethics Education.Megan R. Turner, Logan L. Watts, Logan M. Steele, Tyler J. Mulhearn, Brett S. Torrence, E. Michelle Todd, Michael D. Mumford & Shane Connelly - 2018 - Ethics and Behavior 28 (6):483-496.
    Ethics courses are most commonly evaluated using reaction measures. However, little is known about the specific types of reaction data being collected and how these reaction data relate to improvements in trainee performance. Using a sample of 381 ethics training sessions, major reaction data categories were identified. Content and course satisfaction were the most frequently collected types of reaction criteria. Furthermore, content relevance and course satisfaction showed strong, positive relationships with performance criteria, whereas content satisfaction demonstrated a moderate, negative relationship. (...)
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  50.  54
    Turner's Comparative Dictionary of the Indo-Aryan LanguagesA Comparative Dictionary of the Indo-Aryan Languages.P. Tedesco & R. L. Turner - 1965 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 85 (3):368.
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